Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fall Trends 2009

Knowing that we are in a recession, I've been trying to find looks for my plush women that won't break the bank.
1) Hot Pink...never knew that it would be considered a color for autumn, but according to glamour it's one of the colors to have. Now me, I'm all about accessories and shoes. I'm will not buy hot pink, even though it's one of my favorite colors, in something outside of accessories.

2) One shoulder dresses...for the fall? It might not work in every region, but I do know for our area we have Indian Summers.

(lookey here, found one that covers two trends in one)

3) Leather Pants

*found these on
4) Chain-covered booties, which I think are really cute
*not really chain, but chainish lol*

5) Peep-toe pumps

6) Kimono Tops and Dresses

7) lace---anything lace, tops, dresses, scarves, just not tacky

8)plaid, but hasn't that been around for a minute?

9) tribal print

10) chocolates and grays, which sounds more like fall to me (not that hot pink lol)

Hopefully this will help you to add onto your wardrobe. Most of these were under $100, but knowing some of my audience finding it under $50 is a possibility.

1 comment:

Enchantress said...

I like the chain boots...I'm not too sure about the fuchsia either. your savings on! :-)

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