As much as I love my hair, it just sucks! I have fine dense type 4 hair (coils ans kinks), and darnit yesterday I was trying to find a way to do a braidout to make my hair fluffy and "strong" for yesterday's weather/cookout. I know one thing my hair came out STRAIGHT!!!, which upset me so much I even woke up Mr. T so he could see my pouting face and see my tantrum (lol yeah I got a lil' diva/bratty). He saw my dilemma, said "dag, sorry" and rolled over. Okay I don't blame him because it was 6:15 in the morning, and he was probably like why are you up fuming about your hair. I seriously wanted a puff, and my hair came out silky with waves (like it did when I was relaxed and did hairstyles like that). I told my mother, and all she could do was laugh at me and say "and you think you and your daughter have the same type of hair? ha!" So, I did what I normally do...twist strand twists, this time with flat twist in the front. This will then turn into a twist-out at the end of the week, since that is the only way I can have a successful twist out. My issue is now that we're in hades territory (weather, people talking about the weather...Satan knocked on our door with a box of popsicles talking about it was too hot for him, so you get the picture lol). What can I do besides braids or a wig? I can see me now in the office after walking from my break, snatching my wig off fanning myself with said wig talking about "whew child it's hot and funky out there!" I know last year I cut my hair in the summer with the go to wash'n'go, but now I have some length with major shrinkage so that's not going to work for me.
While we're on the topic of hair, okay so umm this conditioner actually is pretty good. I have the coupon for a $1 off, but still working that bottle and the Rosemary Mint (disappointing because I wanted tingle, but great for detangling). I did also buy
QUEEN HELENE Ginseng & Tea Tree Shampoo for All Types of Hair 16oz/473.1ml
which didn't have the tingle factor I was looking for (if you've used Fantasia Tea Tree shampoo or Dr. Bronner Peppermint that's what I'm talking about), but didn't leave my hair feeling stripped while still feeling clean. I did go off of the advice of another blogger's suggestion with a good deep conditioner. I bought this conditioner, and it was worth it!
I did a test first before adding it to my hair. I used it as a leave-in to see if I do a decent coil out. Left it in until my hair was dry, and boom took out my coils with no issues and had soft boingy hair. I highly recommend this conditioner, and it also has that beloved argan oil.
Argan Oil courtesy of Diary of a Hair Obsession
Okay that's it for my rant, but I was really calling out for some hair style suggestions besides locs (won't start doing those until later on this year). If you happen to see someone with a youtube link please don't hesitate to post them in the comments section.
So yeah we're in the house chillin' literally because it is 90 outside, and we don't have our blow up pool ready for this (even though I think Miss A would have to fight with her parents for a spot in the pool lol). Stay cool folks!
Where are the pics!?!?!?
I usually don't have pictures up due to a lack of camera (blame the little one for dropping it on the patio lol). It just hasn't on my list, even though I have said I would get one to replace it. *kanye shrug*
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