Friday, November 12, 2010

My hair officially did the men on film

"Hated it!" When I used this to co-wash this week. My curls/coils/kinks did clump, but they clumped into a nice wiry/dried up mess. Some people might have have better luck with it, but I on the other hand no dice. I could have used those $3 to buy a bottle of my Suave Humectant, or better yet another bottle of Hydralicious (yum, perfect winter time conditioner too). I'm not going to throw it away (waste not want not), but I will pump it up and add some sweet almond oil, an egg, a couple of drops of rosemary oil and some shea butter to turn it into a nice deep conditioner. If I could find my bottle of castor oil I would use that in place of the sweet almond oil since it's heavier. Oh well at least I know not to buy it again, but I knew better because every time I have bought a product solely geared towards curly hair it leaves my hair feeling like a haystack. *le sigh*

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