Saturday, August 22, 2009

Oh praise ye A/C!!!

I swear the person who invented air conditioning is just as great as the person who invented ceiling fans. We've been in the middle of a heat wave in the DC/MD/VA region, and gracious! I feel somewhat bad for my DD, but I couldn't put her out there in that mess. Like she hates heat (or shall I say humidity), which can make it hard to go to the playground (ouch hot swing!). So, I've been trying to keep her entertained indoors. We went to a reunion last weekend, and my poor baby was swhea-ting! Everywhere she turned, it was "joo-uice, joo-uice. I want Joo-uice!" lol Sometimes I wish we had a pool I could take her to so she can get that good ol' vitamin D, and still be a little active. I can't wait for our vacay! We'll be up Norf, by the walking distance to the beach.

Chawell that's all...wanting to thank those uncomfortable folks who brought comfort to us!

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