For the best results, you want your tea to consist of three kinds of ingredients:
HEALTHY GREENS For a full-bodied flavor, you might try steeping a combination of dandelion leaves, watercress, parsley, and birch leaves.
BEAUTIFUL BLOOMS Consider using a colorful mixture of rose petals, dandelion blossoms, pansies, and violets for good taste and appearance.
NOBLE FRAGRANCES Combine chives, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, verbena, oregano, and mint with flowers such as lemon blossoms and lilac.
Herbal remedies can be administered — and enjoyed — in many ways, but when boiling water is poured over herbs, the plants' soluble organic compounds are easily broken down. The resulting fragrances are an indication of the herbs' inherent therapeutic qualities.
Plants that are safe to eat — and drink
Alliums (flowers and young shoots), bee balm, carnations, hibiscus blossoms, hollyhock, honeysuckle flowers (the berries are highly poisonous), Johnny-jump-ups (flowers and leaves), lavender (blossoms and leaves), nasturtiums (flowers, buds, leaves, seedpods), pansies (flowers and leaves), roses (petals, leaves, and rose hips), violets (flowers and leaves).
Basil, chamomile flowers, chives, dill, lemon balm, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, peppermint and other mints, rosemary, sage, thyme, verbena.
Birch leaves (especially when young), blackberry leaves, citrus blossoms (lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.), elderberry flowers and ripe berries (the leaves and unripe berries are poisonous), gardenia, hibiscus flowers, honeysuckle flowers, pine needles (white and black), raspberry leaves.
Chickweed, chicory (flowers and buds), dandelions (flowers and leaves), goldenrod, good King Henry, kudzu, lamb's quarters, plantain (or white man's footsteps, as the Native Americans called them), purslane, stinging nettle.
Steeping your herb tea
Put a fat handful of the plants you gathered in a big pot or sparkling clean coffee press free of all oils, and pour boiling water over them. Consider using dandelion greens and flowers for about half of the handful (resulting in a slightly bitter taste, but great for digestion; or use blackberry or raspberry leaves in bulk for a sweeter taste). Divide the rest of your tea fairly equally among plants listed in the categories above without any single ingredient dominating.
Use a glass pot; this allows you to see the green beauty of your herbs. Let them steep for a few minutes. Keep them warm on a warmer and enjoy your tea all day long. There is enough flavor left in the plants for at least one additional steeping.
Inside the quirky thoughts and randomness that comes with life and being the mother to a future quirky D.I.T.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
How to make herbal tea
I've been a tea drinker since I can actually remember (probably 2 or 3), but my Mommy always made sure that if I had tea it had to be herbal. So, while scanning the net looking for tea rinse recipes (for those who are into hair, you probably know about these) I found this article on on how to make you're own. Now I know that some might think this is expensive, but since that "r" word keeps coming up, I thought why not since I will be making it myself (no packaging to worry about, not worrying about the whereabouts of ingredients, or if a mystery herb snuck in). Well for those who dare, here are some hints. For more information check out the link
My search for the perfect roti
I already know that there will be about 2000 people wanting to tell me that either their auntie, mummy, cousin, or even themselves can make the best roti. I came close to one of the best I have had in about 4 years (yes it has been that long, isn't that sad?). I do not like every countries version of the roti (no I am not just talking about the bread). I love my GT folks, but dangit I want my filling in my bread! lol Yardies, y'all might come close to the way I like it, but I like to taste my curry (not all of the Jamaicans I know make "weak" curry). It's really a tie between the Trinis and Grenadian versions, and I now have a Grenadian "auntie" who will make me one for a price of $6.50 lol. Unlike some, she actually makes her roti from scratch, which is a big plus in my book. The next place that I actually had a good roti, is at Lexington Market (the doubles weren't bad either). The right amount of pepper, garlic, onions, potatoes and chickpeas, oh gosh my mouth is watering right now just thinking about it. After that teaser of an experience of a good roti, I have been on my quest. I think my quest will eventually come to an end when I start making my own. I have yet to find a market out here that sells the roti skins (heck no, I don't do rolling of the dough unless for cookies). If anyone in the Southern PG County area has a clue where I can buy a pack, please leave it in a comment or shoot me an e-mail. Also, while I am on this quest to find a good roti please do not hesitate to direct me to your favorite place. I do drive, and I have no problem with going a reasonable distance for good food (I will drive to Silver Spring or Woodbridge in order to get a chance to sample a good roti). No offense to the originators of the roti, but I do love your Tandoori Chicken!
A recipe for Chimichurri
Well it's not just for Chimichurri, but hey there's a dinner that can be prepared in under 30 minutes (also a plus for us working Moms).
Tie it all together with a Sangria
U.S. Metric Conversion chart
1 (1.5 liters) bottle(s) red wine
1 1/2 cup(s) fresh orange juice
1/3 cup(s) brandy
1/3 cup(s) sugar
2 (nectarines) pitted and cut into wedges
1 orange, cut in half then sliced
1 lemon, sliced
1 (Kirby (pickling) cucumber) sliced
3 cup(s) seltzer or club soda, chilled
Ice cubes
1. In 3- to 4-quart pitcher, combine wine, orange juice, brandy, and sugar; stir until sugar dissolves.
2. Stir in fruit and cucumber. Cover and refrigerate until well chilled, at least 3 hours or overnight.
3. To serve, stir seltzer into pitcher. Fill glasses with ice and pour sangria.
From Good Housekeeping
triple-tested at the Good Housekeeping Research Institute
A spicy, garlicky vinaigrette transforms grilled steak into a fast South American-style entrée.
Nutritional Information
(per serving)
Calories 480
Total Fat 17g
Saturated Fat 5g
Cholesterol 75mg
Sodium 1050mg
Total Carbohydrate 45g
Dietary Fiber 3g
Sugars --
Protein 34g
Calcium --
Tara Donne
Serves: 4
Yields: 4 main-dish servings
Total Time: 25 min
U.S. Metric Conversion chart
1 (7- to 8-ounce) package(s) beans-and-rice mix
2 (10-ounce) boneless beef top loin steaks, 1 inch thick, trimmed of fat
1 (loosely packed) cup(s) fresh parsley leaves, finely chopped
2 tablespoon(s) olive oil
1 tablespoon(s) red wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon(s) dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon(s) crushed red pepper
1 clove(s) garlic, crushed with press
3/4 teaspoon(s) salt
1. Prepare beans-and-rice mix as label directs; keep warm.
2. Meanwhile, heat ridged grill pan on medium until hot. Evenly season steaks, on both sides, with 1/2 teaspoon salt. Place steaks in grill pan and cook 16 to 18 minutes for medium-rare, or until desired doneness, turning steaks over once.
3. While steaks are cooking, prepare chimichurri sauce: In small bowl, with fork, mix parsley, oil, vinegar, oregano, crushed red pepper, garlic, and 1/4 teaspoon salt until blended.
Tie it all together with a Sangria
U.S. Metric Conversion chart
1 (1.5 liters) bottle(s) red wine
1 1/2 cup(s) fresh orange juice
1/3 cup(s) brandy
1/3 cup(s) sugar
2 (nectarines) pitted and cut into wedges
1 orange, cut in half then sliced
1 lemon, sliced
1 (Kirby (pickling) cucumber) sliced
3 cup(s) seltzer or club soda, chilled
Ice cubes
1. In 3- to 4-quart pitcher, combine wine, orange juice, brandy, and sugar; stir until sugar dissolves.
2. Stir in fruit and cucumber. Cover and refrigerate until well chilled, at least 3 hours or overnight.
3. To serve, stir seltzer into pitcher. Fill glasses with ice and pour sangria.
It's vacay time!
Okay so nobody is too old to go to the "happiest place on Earth." Right now they are making the deal sweeter, especially for birthdays. All next year, if you go to one of the Disney Parks, the birthday boy/girl (man/woman) can go for free. I think that is a heck of a good deal, and yes if I had to sacrifice my 28th birthday next year to spend some time in Disney *wipes tear* then by golly I guess I will! OR
This beats a Staycation hands down! OR
This beats a Staycation hands down!
For all of the mamas
This goes out to the mamas, godmommas, grandmamas, playmamas, step-mamas, lol you get the picture. Well I'm surprised at myself that I did not post anything about the 2008 Amby Awards, but anyways these are the tops products that Mommies around the country gave their raves. Enjoy the list, and if you need anymore information please go to their website (click on the American Baby tab).
1. Boppy
This nursing pillow (helpful for bottle users too) took first place for the sixth year. "It keeps my arms from turning to Jell-O at feedings," explains Latosha Rodgers, of Muncie, Indiana ($30-$60).
2.Fisher-Price Swing
Our readers say they wouldn't get anything done without it. "It gives Mom a break by entertaining or rocking the baby to sleep," says Priscilla Durbin, of Toledo, Ohio ($140).
3. Johnson's Bedtime Line
These lavender-scented skincare products, parents swear, send babies off to dreamland. "They smell so great, calm babies down, and really help them sleep better," writes Tina Roeder, of Hunlock Creek, Pennsylvania ($3.50 and up).
4. Desitin
Lots of diaper rash creams get votes, but Desitin is the leader. "It works, and cleanup is so easy," writes Jaime Mayo, of Fort Worth, Texas. It comes in original, creamy, and clear (not shown) varieties (about $6.50 and up).
5. Fisher-Price Jumperoo
This seat for older babies brings smiles to kids and grown-ups alike. "My girl giggles every time she jumps," writes Cathy Conder, of Freeport, Illinois ($80).
*Side note, my AJ loves hers! Yes it was roughly $80, but always look online to compare.*6. Fisher-Price Bouncer
This newborn seat, sold in many designs, has won an AMBY award nine out of 10 years (and once was a runner-up). Angelina Stojakovic, of Danbury, Connecticut, writes simply: "Our baby loves it" ($100).
7. Boudreaux's Butt Paste
When you're looking at a shelf of rash creams, you have to admit that this name stands out. But it wins votes because it "works like a charm," says Kelly Robinson, of Carmichael, California (about $6 and up).
8. Playtex Diaper Genie
This improved version -- Diaper Genie II Elite -- hides more odors than ever. "No more smell, and no more twisting the bag, with the new design," explains Lara Dean, of Vernonia, Oregon ($40).
9. Dr. Brown's Bottles
Parents swear by the unique design. "These do reduce burping, spitting up, and colic," says Cristy Leal, of Pasadena, California ($5 and up). *I must try these since AJ is still doing the bottle thing, but I am tempted.*
10. Bumbo Seat
Parents turn to this when their child graduates from the bouncer. "My baby sits and watches me while I work in the kitchen," says Sara Nelson, of Plumas Lake, California ($40).
11. Medela Pump in Style
Still the most trusted electric breast pump. "Efficient and easy. For me, it made nursing for over a year possible with all three kids," writes Sherri Martin, of Oglethorpe, Georgia ($280-$330).
I'll have to keep this one in mind when we start planning our next child.
12. Baby Bjorn
Readers rave about the comfort of this carrier. "I get shopping and housework done while my baby sleeps close to me," says Amy Mitchell, of Boise, Idaho ($80-$160).
13. A&D
Fighting diaper rash is a constant, so using a preventive cream becomes a major part of most parents' day. "We use A&D at every change," writes Samantha Goldman, of Delanco, New Jersey (about $5 and up).
14. Balmex
A diaper rash cream can actually have other skincare uses too. "Not only does Balmex prevent and treat diaper rash, but it helped heal my crawler's rug burns," says Heidi Aiken, of Warren, Michigan (about $6 and up).
15. Baby Einstein DVDs
While not every parent likes to admit their baby watches TV, when pressed, almost all moms and dads say these DVDs save them. "It gives me an extra half hour to clean. I pop in Baby Einstein and my 10-month-old is glued to it," says Alisha Easley, of Krebs, Oklahoma ($20 each). I'm all for children having something to occupy their time, but there's controversy about if the videos are actually good for a child (hey I have AJ watch Sesame Street).
Gerber Graduates
While it has never won an AMBY, this ever-expanding line of baby-to-toddler food gets plenty of reader praise each year ($3 and up).
Summer Infant Day and Night Monitor
This handheld video monitor wins raves from the parents who invest in it; being able to see baby as well as hear him helps you know whether he's fully awake or fussing back to sleep ($170).
Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe
Swaddling blankets were off our radar as a must-have until votes for the SwaddleMe came pouring in; we can attest that it makes wrapping a baby a lot simpler ($11 and up). *I loved it until my little She-Hulk successfully found a way to un-swaddle 3 months, lol.*
Gerber NUK
While many pacifiers get AMBY votes, this particular model consistently earns the most reader praise (about $3 and up).
Graco Pack 'n Play
This past AMBY winner is still a high-ranking favorite. Readers love portable cribs for convenience at home and away ($100 and up). *I have already researched these since I do have a co-worker who has limited space. This is the perfect option, and this gives you time to at least have somewhere for your bundle to sleep soundly through the..whenever!*
Similac and Enfamil
Formula-using readers give a grateful shout-out to these two brands every year (each about $20 and up). *We tried the Enfamil Lacto-Free formula, and it gave her so much gas we wanted to find a way to transfer that to our gas tank. We switch to Similac, and our baby is no longer fussy, and the gas comes and goes like any other baby lol. Try for yourself though because as they say "all babies are different."
For more of their reviews on products check this link
1. Boppy
This nursing pillow (helpful for bottle users too) took first place for the sixth year. "It keeps my arms from turning to Jell-O at feedings," explains Latosha Rodgers, of Muncie, Indiana ($30-$60).
2.Fisher-Price Swing
Our readers say they wouldn't get anything done without it. "It gives Mom a break by entertaining or rocking the baby to sleep," says Priscilla Durbin, of Toledo, Ohio ($140).
3. Johnson's Bedtime Line
These lavender-scented skincare products, parents swear, send babies off to dreamland. "They smell so great, calm babies down, and really help them sleep better," writes Tina Roeder, of Hunlock Creek, Pennsylvania ($3.50 and up).
4. Desitin
Lots of diaper rash creams get votes, but Desitin is the leader. "It works, and cleanup is so easy," writes Jaime Mayo, of Fort Worth, Texas. It comes in original, creamy, and clear (not shown) varieties (about $6.50 and up).
5. Fisher-Price Jumperoo
This seat for older babies brings smiles to kids and grown-ups alike. "My girl giggles every time she jumps," writes Cathy Conder, of Freeport, Illinois ($80).
*Side note, my AJ loves hers! Yes it was roughly $80, but always look online to compare.*6. Fisher-Price Bouncer
This newborn seat, sold in many designs, has won an AMBY award nine out of 10 years (and once was a runner-up). Angelina Stojakovic, of Danbury, Connecticut, writes simply: "Our baby loves it" ($100).
7. Boudreaux's Butt Paste
When you're looking at a shelf of rash creams, you have to admit that this name stands out. But it wins votes because it "works like a charm," says Kelly Robinson, of Carmichael, California (about $6 and up).
8. Playtex Diaper Genie
This improved version -- Diaper Genie II Elite -- hides more odors than ever. "No more smell, and no more twisting the bag, with the new design," explains Lara Dean, of Vernonia, Oregon ($40).
9. Dr. Brown's Bottles
Parents swear by the unique design. "These do reduce burping, spitting up, and colic," says Cristy Leal, of Pasadena, California ($5 and up). *I must try these since AJ is still doing the bottle thing, but I am tempted.*
10. Bumbo Seat
Parents turn to this when their child graduates from the bouncer. "My baby sits and watches me while I work in the kitchen," says Sara Nelson, of Plumas Lake, California ($40).
11. Medela Pump in Style
Still the most trusted electric breast pump. "Efficient and easy. For me, it made nursing for over a year possible with all three kids," writes Sherri Martin, of Oglethorpe, Georgia ($280-$330).
I'll have to keep this one in mind when we start planning our next child.
12. Baby Bjorn
Readers rave about the comfort of this carrier. "I get shopping and housework done while my baby sleeps close to me," says Amy Mitchell, of Boise, Idaho ($80-$160).
13. A&D
Fighting diaper rash is a constant, so using a preventive cream becomes a major part of most parents' day. "We use A&D at every change," writes Samantha Goldman, of Delanco, New Jersey (about $5 and up).
14. Balmex
A diaper rash cream can actually have other skincare uses too. "Not only does Balmex prevent and treat diaper rash, but it helped heal my crawler's rug burns," says Heidi Aiken, of Warren, Michigan (about $6 and up).
15. Baby Einstein DVDs
While not every parent likes to admit their baby watches TV, when pressed, almost all moms and dads say these DVDs save them. "It gives me an extra half hour to clean. I pop in Baby Einstein and my 10-month-old is glued to it," says Alisha Easley, of Krebs, Oklahoma ($20 each). I'm all for children having something to occupy their time, but there's controversy about if the videos are actually good for a child (hey I have AJ watch Sesame Street).
Gerber Graduates
While it has never won an AMBY, this ever-expanding line of baby-to-toddler food gets plenty of reader praise each year ($3 and up).
Summer Infant Day and Night Monitor
This handheld video monitor wins raves from the parents who invest in it; being able to see baby as well as hear him helps you know whether he's fully awake or fussing back to sleep ($170).
Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe
Swaddling blankets were off our radar as a must-have until votes for the SwaddleMe came pouring in; we can attest that it makes wrapping a baby a lot simpler ($11 and up). *I loved it until my little She-Hulk successfully found a way to un-swaddle 3 months, lol.*
Gerber NUK
While many pacifiers get AMBY votes, this particular model consistently earns the most reader praise (about $3 and up).
Graco Pack 'n Play
This past AMBY winner is still a high-ranking favorite. Readers love portable cribs for convenience at home and away ($100 and up). *I have already researched these since I do have a co-worker who has limited space. This is the perfect option, and this gives you time to at least have somewhere for your bundle to sleep soundly through the..whenever!*
Similac and Enfamil
Formula-using readers give a grateful shout-out to these two brands every year (each about $20 and up). *We tried the Enfamil Lacto-Free formula, and it gave her so much gas we wanted to find a way to transfer that to our gas tank. We switch to Similac, and our baby is no longer fussy, and the gas comes and goes like any other baby lol. Try for yourself though because as they say "all babies are different."
For more of their reviews on products check this link
Food, oh how I love thee!
Okay I love food, can't live without it, but for the life of me I don't understand why it is so hard for me be ashamed of it. Oh yeah, I remember because if I'm seen eating something besides a salad or vegan/gluten-free/cruelty-free/taste-free (fyi, not saying that all of these foods are taste free) I get the look of death. I'm one of those happy ladies, who just so happens to have a couple....30lbs on my frame that need to be toned/exercised off. It's a work in progress, but believe me with my obsession with what I put in my body has really paid off in the past month or so. I have lost 10lbs., which is an accomplishment for me because it has stayed off. I did do one thing, make a lot of food on the weekends, and then from there we have saved money and calories in the long run. It has now become a habit of mines, when my mother and I go book shopping at Border's I scour over the reduced priced cookbooks. My recent purchase was a dessert cookbook (lol no I'm not sabotaging my "new" life) since I needed to make sure that I had something new to add to my gift baskets this year (recession proof gift). I did see some that tickled my fancy: Sweet Potato Cheesecake, Brownies with espresso (yes for my coffee addicted Aunts and Uncles lol), but that is not why I'm posting.
I'm posting because I did say that I would provide you with recipes, which has not been done except from the help I get from Whole Foods (chuckles). So, one thing I have done was pretty much been giving out advice on what every woman should know how to cook (and yes I mean EVERY woman). One thing is the infamous Oven Roasted Chicken, and nope it's not as hard as it seems. You need:
One whole chicken in between 3-5lbs
3 cloves of garlic (slice one and leave the other two whole)
1/4 of an onion sliced
the skin of one lemon (this is to place in the cavity and under the skin)
Italian Seasoning (this prevents you from buying sep. spices)
Black Pepper
Kosher Salt (a little goes a very long way)
1 1/2 tbls of butter or margarine (this is to massage the skin)
roasting pan (if using disposable use foil to tent the chicken)
1. Preheat the oven at 375
2. Clean the bird by rubbing the juice of the lemon on the inside and outside of the bird (thought I was going to have you waste a lemon????). Make sure to remove the bag of surprises (that's the innards of the bird that some of us love)
3. After you finish giving your bird a thorough washing, dry the skin.
4. Stuff the inside of the bird with the garlic cloves, the sliced onion, and 1/2 of the lemon skin. Make sure that you rub some of the salt on the inside of the cavity, believe me this helps with the seasoning.
5. Under the skin push the sliced garlic cloves and lemon skin as far as possible so the breast will be thorougly seasoned (flavor is good!)
6. Rub the butter on the skin (this helps the seasonings stick the skin), but make sure that you don't mess up your hard work with the garlic and lemon. Add seasonings (Italian seasoning, pepper, and salt).
7. Place in your roaster pan, and tent with some foil (if using the disposable pan)/ cover with lid. Leave in the oven covered for about 45 mintues, and then for another 40 (yes another 40) bake uncovered.
8. Remove from the oven, but do not cut yet. Let it rest for 20 minutes so the juices can redistribute (nobody likes dry chicken).
Serve with mashed potatoes w/ gravy (you can always make your own, but I buy the jar) and your choice of veggie (I like frozen squash or mixed vegetables). The leftovers will make for a good addition to a salad, sandwich, stir fry, and soup. You can also use this method for a turkey (or turkey breast).
I'm posting because I did say that I would provide you with recipes, which has not been done except from the help I get from Whole Foods (chuckles). So, one thing I have done was pretty much been giving out advice on what every woman should know how to cook (and yes I mean EVERY woman). One thing is the infamous Oven Roasted Chicken, and nope it's not as hard as it seems. You need:
One whole chicken in between 3-5lbs
3 cloves of garlic (slice one and leave the other two whole)
1/4 of an onion sliced
the skin of one lemon (this is to place in the cavity and under the skin)
Italian Seasoning (this prevents you from buying sep. spices)
Black Pepper
Kosher Salt (a little goes a very long way)
1 1/2 tbls of butter or margarine (this is to massage the skin)
roasting pan (if using disposable use foil to tent the chicken)
1. Preheat the oven at 375
2. Clean the bird by rubbing the juice of the lemon on the inside and outside of the bird (thought I was going to have you waste a lemon????). Make sure to remove the bag of surprises (that's the innards of the bird that some of us love)
3. After you finish giving your bird a thorough washing, dry the skin.
4. Stuff the inside of the bird with the garlic cloves, the sliced onion, and 1/2 of the lemon skin. Make sure that you rub some of the salt on the inside of the cavity, believe me this helps with the seasoning.
5. Under the skin push the sliced garlic cloves and lemon skin as far as possible so the breast will be thorougly seasoned (flavor is good!)
6. Rub the butter on the skin (this helps the seasonings stick the skin), but make sure that you don't mess up your hard work with the garlic and lemon. Add seasonings (Italian seasoning, pepper, and salt).
7. Place in your roaster pan, and tent with some foil (if using the disposable pan)/ cover with lid. Leave in the oven covered for about 45 mintues, and then for another 40 (yes another 40) bake uncovered.
8. Remove from the oven, but do not cut yet. Let it rest for 20 minutes so the juices can redistribute (nobody likes dry chicken).
Serve with mashed potatoes w/ gravy (you can always make your own, but I buy the jar) and your choice of veggie (I like frozen squash or mixed vegetables). The leftovers will make for a good addition to a salad, sandwich, stir fry, and soup. You can also use this method for a turkey (or turkey breast).
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Not to knock her hustle, but
I cannot stand Carol's Daughters products. They might be heaven sent to some, but my hair reacted to it like "Men on Film" hated it! Even the oil did my hair dirty, so I'm just going to give some less costly ways to naturally moisturize, condition and cleanse your hair.
Moisturize: glycerin + aloe vera gel/juice + water...believe me it's worth it! shine and your hair will thank you for the goodies you added. If you moisturize at night, spray on until damp and seal with either Vitamin E oil (fine/thin to medium textured hair), shea butter (use as much depending on your hair density/texture), or Castor Oil (for coarse wiry hair). This also helps with adding moisture to a braid/twist out.
Conditioner: you can always add a lot of good stuff to very cheap conditioners: coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil (I recommend only for winter time though), aloe vera, avocado oil, or melted shea (or cocoa) butter. Two good conditioners to use as bases are Suave Tropical Coconut and Tresemme Moisture Rich (you'll see it on other blogs referred to as Vitamin E). Both are great to have in your collection anyway, plus if you want to really spruce them up, you don't need to add that much. My last treatment I did for a deep moisturizing conditioner: 2 tsps. of glycerin, 10 drops of peppermint essential oil (can be bought at Vitamin Shoppe along with other oils), 1/8 tsp of Emu oil, and 1/4 cup of Aloe Vera juice to about a cup of Tresemme Vit. E conditioner. I left that in for about 5 mins. with a plastic bag over my head (hey no point in buying a shower cap when I get these with my grocceries), and rinsed with a cool rinse. My hair felt so velvety smooth (fyi I decided to just go ahead and relax my hair instead of keeping my hair texlaxed), and my scalp felt refreshed. As for a leave-in you can dilute your regular conditioner with regular water, and then seal with your favorite oil.
Shampoo: Dr. Bronner's baby mild castille soap, or a lovely tea rinse using herbal tea bags (homemade or store bought). I cheated and used Elasta QP Creme Lather Shampoo (SLS free and pH balanced), but I did from time to time use the baby mild soap. These options are a lot better than the Carol's Daughter shampoo I used (it was in a give-away bag of products my friend hated, she has very dense/coarse 4b hair and I have thin 4a/4b hair).
Pomade: Shea Butter with aloe vera gel, a little bit of castor oil (this oil is very heavy/ thick), and a whisk. Just melt the shea butter in a double boiler or microwave for 15- 30 seconds, add the aloe vera and castor oil a little at a time and whisk. Throw in the freezer for a few minutes, and pull out again to whisk. This speeds up the cooling process, and allows you to incorporate air to give it smoother texture. Apply to damp hair (using your moisturizer maybe), smooth with a brush, and tie your hair down. OR you can just use the Fantasia Sparklelites Pomade (not the gel), at little goes a long joke!
I did these when I was natural and now relaxed; using these methods my hair is still in good condition. Every now and then I do use SLS shampoos, but that is because I'm doing reviews for my lovelies (you guys!).
Moisturize: glycerin + aloe vera gel/juice + water...believe me it's worth it! shine and your hair will thank you for the goodies you added. If you moisturize at night, spray on until damp and seal with either Vitamin E oil (fine/thin to medium textured hair), shea butter (use as much depending on your hair density/texture), or Castor Oil (for coarse wiry hair). This also helps with adding moisture to a braid/twist out.
Conditioner: you can always add a lot of good stuff to very cheap conditioners: coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil (I recommend only for winter time though), aloe vera, avocado oil, or melted shea (or cocoa) butter. Two good conditioners to use as bases are Suave Tropical Coconut and Tresemme Moisture Rich (you'll see it on other blogs referred to as Vitamin E). Both are great to have in your collection anyway, plus if you want to really spruce them up, you don't need to add that much. My last treatment I did for a deep moisturizing conditioner: 2 tsps. of glycerin, 10 drops of peppermint essential oil (can be bought at Vitamin Shoppe along with other oils), 1/8 tsp of Emu oil, and 1/4 cup of Aloe Vera juice to about a cup of Tresemme Vit. E conditioner. I left that in for about 5 mins. with a plastic bag over my head (hey no point in buying a shower cap when I get these with my grocceries), and rinsed with a cool rinse. My hair felt so velvety smooth (fyi I decided to just go ahead and relax my hair instead of keeping my hair texlaxed), and my scalp felt refreshed. As for a leave-in you can dilute your regular conditioner with regular water, and then seal with your favorite oil.
Shampoo: Dr. Bronner's baby mild castille soap, or a lovely tea rinse using herbal tea bags (homemade or store bought). I cheated and used Elasta QP Creme Lather Shampoo (SLS free and pH balanced), but I did from time to time use the baby mild soap. These options are a lot better than the Carol's Daughter shampoo I used (it was in a give-away bag of products my friend hated, she has very dense/coarse 4b hair and I have thin 4a/4b hair).
Pomade: Shea Butter with aloe vera gel, a little bit of castor oil (this oil is very heavy/ thick), and a whisk. Just melt the shea butter in a double boiler or microwave for 15- 30 seconds, add the aloe vera and castor oil a little at a time and whisk. Throw in the freezer for a few minutes, and pull out again to whisk. This speeds up the cooling process, and allows you to incorporate air to give it smoother texture. Apply to damp hair (using your moisturizer maybe), smooth with a brush, and tie your hair down. OR you can just use the Fantasia Sparklelites Pomade (not the gel), at little goes a long joke!
I did these when I was natural and now relaxed; using these methods my hair is still in good condition. Every now and then I do use SLS shampoos, but that is because I'm doing reviews for my lovelies (you guys!).
Okay so it's HBCU Homecoming time
I mean for some reason these three weekends in October are the busiest on the Chitlin' Circuit. My old alma mater, Delaware State University's (DSU aka State) is this weekend, and I so wish I was there. I did promise myself that I would at least go to next year's since that marks ten years for me. Hopefully that would be the same for the friends that I made up there around that time. Also this weekend is HU's (Howard University) homecoming, and of course DC is flooded with Superstars, and Georgia Avenue has to be pumpin'. Umm yeah I did say pumpin', but that's like really the only way to describe. All of the older alumni are generally gone since they've been around for the parade, pre-gaming (hey they needed to after losing to us Bears), tailgating, and now they're probably getting ready for their gala. LOL, you know what is so sad, that will be me in probably another 10 years, at 36 trying to sober/rest up before I go to our gala.
One thing one must know about going around partying it up on campus or around the campus (in Howard's case) is to not travel alone. I swear up and down, people do it out of need to at least be apart of the festivities. This is not the safest thing because you never know what might happen. I know when my friends and I decided to go walking up and down Georgia Ave. I would say around the time when most of the folks were getting ready to go to the club, and those of us who weren't 21 (my friends were, I wasn't since my bday is at the end of the year). So, we ran into some folks that I really wasn't trying to re-associate with, but they were almost like our body guards. So, we're just chit-chatting along, and some random guy walks up and asked us if we saw his boy's camera. By the time we said "what the eff? camera" there was a let me just set the scene for you. Think of Cedric the Entertainer was in the middle of a sentence on the Kings of Comdey, and just ran. Yeah that was all of us, lol. I can laugh at it now, but one of my friend's was wearing her pumps was almost up the hill to where we parked by the time we started running. The guys who were our "bodyguards" were ghost! lol The next morning after we found a hotel party, we heard about a guy getting shot by the Georgia Avenue McDonalds (where were posted). I was with my friends, but just think about how that would have been if you were by yourself.
Another thing, please do not go around getting faded. That's a no go even when you're not around for Homecoming. If you are a young lady (or man) going around intoxicated in a public crowd, believe some trouble can and will happen. I remember staying on campus, and seeing so many friends turn into enemies once that alcohol was in their system. Yeah homecoming is a time to have fun, relive memories, but it is not a time to go around like a staggering drunkard. It's not cute, and it's not safe...also it can lead you to doing things that you wouldn't have thought of doing without your judgement being clouded.
Okay, I know this one is cliche', but damnit it has to be said. Watch what you are a wearing. Do not, I repeat DO NOT wear something with a lot of pockets. If you are a man, make sure that you have either plastic, or a money clip in that handy 3rd/cell phone pocket. Ladies, make sure that you only carry what you need for your emergency fund (you know that convient $20 used for the emergency taxi), and that you only carry plastic as well. Do not wear a bag on anywhere but your shoulder ZIPPED up. When I say plastic, that doesn't mean just a credit card, but also your check card. One thing that I do with my cards is write see picture ID, this prevents people from having that opportunity to do F2F theft (face to face). Online that's something different, but also make sure that after an event such as homecoming call that 1-800 number on the back of your card say that Tuesday. You never know what some of those vendors do with those credit card machines. Okay and yes ladies you are not excluded, you need to watch what you wear. Yeah it's your perogative, but you also need to make sure that some guys these days don't take no for an answer. There are more violent crimes towards women these days, and just try to not make yourself an open target for harassment. I know for some of us it doesn't matter what you're wearing, you will still have the lewd drunk dude trying to humiliate you while you turn him down. Good thing if you're on your off day, you'll have those timbs and sweats on handy lol. Honestly, as much as I like to flaunt my curves, I just knew better because on my D days, I still had to face harassment, so if I took my twins for a short walk it was going to be a problem. This year I might have them peeking, even though I'll have a 6'3" 250 lbs bodyguard with me aka my husband, lol. I'm the one who he'll probably have to hold back from kicking somebody's ass if he pops out the mouth wrong, lol.
So fulljoy yaself folks, and just use some type of caution!
One thing one must know about going around partying it up on campus or around the campus (in Howard's case) is to not travel alone. I swear up and down, people do it out of need to at least be apart of the festivities. This is not the safest thing because you never know what might happen. I know when my friends and I decided to go walking up and down Georgia Ave. I would say around the time when most of the folks were getting ready to go to the club, and those of us who weren't 21 (my friends were, I wasn't since my bday is at the end of the year). So, we ran into some folks that I really wasn't trying to re-associate with, but they were almost like our body guards. So, we're just chit-chatting along, and some random guy walks up and asked us if we saw his boy's camera. By the time we said "what the eff? camera" there was a let me just set the scene for you. Think of Cedric the Entertainer was in the middle of a sentence on the Kings of Comdey, and just ran. Yeah that was all of us, lol. I can laugh at it now, but one of my friend's was wearing her pumps was almost up the hill to where we parked by the time we started running. The guys who were our "bodyguards" were ghost! lol The next morning after we found a hotel party, we heard about a guy getting shot by the Georgia Avenue McDonalds (where were posted). I was with my friends, but just think about how that would have been if you were by yourself.
Another thing, please do not go around getting faded. That's a no go even when you're not around for Homecoming. If you are a young lady (or man) going around intoxicated in a public crowd, believe some trouble can and will happen. I remember staying on campus, and seeing so many friends turn into enemies once that alcohol was in their system. Yeah homecoming is a time to have fun, relive memories, but it is not a time to go around like a staggering drunkard. It's not cute, and it's not safe...also it can lead you to doing things that you wouldn't have thought of doing without your judgement being clouded.
Okay, I know this one is cliche', but damnit it has to be said. Watch what you are a wearing. Do not, I repeat DO NOT wear something with a lot of pockets. If you are a man, make sure that you have either plastic, or a money clip in that handy 3rd/cell phone pocket. Ladies, make sure that you only carry what you need for your emergency fund (you know that convient $20 used for the emergency taxi), and that you only carry plastic as well. Do not wear a bag on anywhere but your shoulder ZIPPED up. When I say plastic, that doesn't mean just a credit card, but also your check card. One thing that I do with my cards is write see picture ID, this prevents people from having that opportunity to do F2F theft (face to face). Online that's something different, but also make sure that after an event such as homecoming call that 1-800 number on the back of your card say that Tuesday. You never know what some of those vendors do with those credit card machines. Okay and yes ladies you are not excluded, you need to watch what you wear. Yeah it's your perogative, but you also need to make sure that some guys these days don't take no for an answer. There are more violent crimes towards women these days, and just try to not make yourself an open target for harassment. I know for some of us it doesn't matter what you're wearing, you will still have the lewd drunk dude trying to humiliate you while you turn him down. Good thing if you're on your off day, you'll have those timbs and sweats on handy lol. Honestly, as much as I like to flaunt my curves, I just knew better because on my D days, I still had to face harassment, so if I took my twins for a short walk it was going to be a problem. This year I might have them peeking, even though I'll have a 6'3" 250 lbs bodyguard with me aka my husband, lol. I'm the one who he'll probably have to hold back from kicking somebody's ass if he pops out the mouth wrong, lol.
So fulljoy yaself folks, and just use some type of caution!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Another link in reference to BCR
BCR= Breast Cancer Research, and here is a link that I forgot to mention last time., a list of products that proceeds will go towards Breast Cancer Research. Remember take advantage of the free mamograms sponosored by your local health department, or courtesy of your insurcance company (hey why not? lol).
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Two new beauty opps
Okay so I told my best friend/ daughter's Godmother that I would mention her on my blog. She is currently the newest member of the M.A.C family at the Georgetown store, so please stop on by. She is very good at her craft, and is already a certified make-up artist for Estee Lauder (parent company of M.A.C). Also currently working on her certification in cosmetology. Currently she's charging $15 for roller sets (I'll post pix if possible when she does my hair), and $25 for Doobie/Roller Wraps. Contact her at OR via myspace under the name "Beauty if my Business" (don't add the quotes). Be on the look out for her blog coming in the near future (yeah I talked her into it lol).
Now for those who like a good DR blow out/ or Doobie, there is a new Dominican Hair Salon located in District Heights, MD right on Marlboro Pike. For more information
That is all folks!
Now for those who like a good DR blow out/ or Doobie, there is a new Dominican Hair Salon located in District Heights, MD right on Marlboro Pike. For more information
That is all folks!
Dominican salon,
dr blowout,
roller set,
roller wrap/ doobie
Sorry for being absent
Well I have been in the middle of trying to take care of a sick baby (the downfall of working with children, you get sick and you bring it home). I will say one product that I recommend for all of my fellow Moms out there, Vicks BabyRub. It's the goodness of regular Vicks mixed with lavender, and yes homegirl was knocked out. And Little Noses, is also a great product to use since for some reason babies hate that aspirator (yeah I would scream too if I saw something like that coming to my face). I have also been trying to get myself enrolled in classes for the Praxis I exam, so I can take that step towards becoming a Certified Teacher (I am currently enrolled in a free class courtesy of my job, so blogging might be on the slim side).
Now that debate last night...I know Joe Plumber wants to put McCain in a choke hold for putting him on blast last night (26 times he was mentioned!!!). Now we found out that he owes money in back taxes; well now we know why he didn't like Obama's tax plan (dangit I should have keeped my mouth shut). McCain looked almost like a constipated old man/Grinch (lol if you don't believe me check out the clips of the debate on OR I mean when somebody curls up under your skin, one thing that you should control is body language, but hey he has so much experience in public speaking I guess he wouldn't need my reminder. Okay well let me get ready for SNL Weekday Update, and yes last week was AWESOME!!!
Until then my lovelies
deuces!!! *chucks the deuce*
Now that debate last night...I know Joe Plumber wants to put McCain in a choke hold for putting him on blast last night (26 times he was mentioned!!!). Now we found out that he owes money in back taxes; well now we know why he didn't like Obama's tax plan (dangit I should have keeped my mouth shut). McCain looked almost like a constipated old man/Grinch (lol if you don't believe me check out the clips of the debate on OR I mean when somebody curls up under your skin, one thing that you should control is body language, but hey he has so much experience in public speaking I guess he wouldn't need my reminder. Okay well let me get ready for SNL Weekday Update, and yes last week was AWESOME!!!
Until then my lovelies
deuces!!! *chucks the deuce*
Friday, October 3, 2008
Yes I can be a smart ass for a month!
October is also National Smart----I mean National Sarcastic Awareness Month, lol. I just wanted to share that with you guys.
Check out this clip on the Cliche' Family, lol
Other Awarenesses (yes Awarenesses lol) Months- Seafood, Vegetarian, Work and Family, Spina Bifida, Adopt a Shelter Dog, etc. Here is a link for other silly/serious holidays I think I am going to this on a regular because some of these are very interesting, lol.
Check out this clip on the Cliche' Family, lol
Other Awarenesses (yes Awarenesses lol) Months- Seafood, Vegetarian, Work and Family, Spina Bifida, Adopt a Shelter Dog, etc. Here is a link for other silly/serious holidays I think I am going to this on a regular because some of these are very interesting, lol.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Care for our Boobies!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and this is one of those months that I have to pay homage to the women in my family who are truely survivors. My Great-Great Aunt, my Great Aunt and my Aunt/Godmother have all been victims of this disease, and there appears to be a trend in our family (my maternal side) that the oldest woman in each generation gets this cancer. I'm hoping that I can dodge this bullet, but I won't be getting any exams until I would say at least until I'm 35 (I'm trying to get started early with our family history and all).
Another person in my life who has survived Breat Cancer is my MIL (lol those are almost her initials), and I'm a little worried about my lil' princess. She has genectics and race fighting against her on this one. That's why I said I might start just a little bit earlier than recommended. Just so she can see that Mommy is doing it, and one day you will have to as well.
Now for the companies that are giving towards Breast Cancer Research: BOGO sale is happening, and if you purchase a pink bracelet or Pink Ribbon Slippers for the cure with a minimum $100,000 of the proceeds will go towards research.

Hmmm save money and at the same time you're helping women come closer to the cure....not bad at all!
Fuze Drinks- tasty, full of antioxidants, and will not add any inches to the sleek waistline (yes I'm pushing this product lol)...the new Slenderize Drink full of Pomegrante and Acai Berry. everything you can think of that will go towards Breast Cancer.
Yoplait yogurt- it's that time to start saving those pink lids, with a percentage of the proceeds going to the Susan G. Komen Foundation
other participants
Also knowledge is power:
Another person in my life who has survived Breat Cancer is my MIL (lol those are almost her initials), and I'm a little worried about my lil' princess. She has genectics and race fighting against her on this one. That's why I said I might start just a little bit earlier than recommended. Just so she can see that Mommy is doing it, and one day you will have to as well.
Now for the companies that are giving towards Breast Cancer Research: BOGO sale is happening, and if you purchase a pink bracelet or Pink Ribbon Slippers for the cure with a minimum $100,000 of the proceeds will go towards research.
Hmmm save money and at the same time you're helping women come closer to the cure....not bad at all!
Fuze Drinks- tasty, full of antioxidants, and will not add any inches to the sleek waistline (yes I'm pushing this product lol)...the new Slenderize Drink full of Pomegrante and Acai Berry. everything you can think of that will go towards Breast Cancer.
Yoplait yogurt- it's that time to start saving those pink lids, with a percentage of the proceeds going to the Susan G. Komen Foundation
other participants
Also knowledge is power:
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